Host country
Welcome to Peru
As organizers of the VIII WFER in 2023, we are overly excited to welcome you to Peru. We are proud to be the first South American country to host this meeting, whose purpose is to provide a space to generate regulatory intelligence that will help us improve our performance as regulators, always thinking for the benefit of consumers.

Peru is located in a region of growing energy development with great emphasis on using renewable energies. We are a country with rich biodiversity and an extraordinary historical past. From the Andes to our jungle and our coastline bathed by the Pacific Ocean, we are a country privileged in natural resources. Our archeology, culture, and gourmet cuisine result from this richness and have made us an increasingly recognized international destination.

We are a country with a splendid past but an even more promising future. We look forward to welcoming you and showing you why we are a country with energy.
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