Luis Enrique Gutierrez Tavarez

Luis Enrique Gutierrez Tavarez

Energy Analyst (Electricity) at the Renewables Integration and Secure Electricity Unit of the International Energy Agency (IEA)

Enrique Gutierrez is an Energy Analyst at the IEA’s Renewable Integration and Secure Electricity Unit. He currently leads the agency’s engagement in the Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator and as well as dissemination of the Agency’s report on corporate procurement of clean electricity. He has previously worked as coordinator for the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Power System Flexibility Campaign, which ran from 2019 to 2022 engaging more than fifty partner organisations from around the world, ranging from energy ministries to industry and academia. Within the IEA he has also lead reports on market design and the integration of high shares of Variable renewable energy (VRE) in France and Korea. Prior to joining the IEA he has worked in Germany, Mexico and the UK on power market analysis, regulatory consulting and distributed flexibility. He holds an MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment from University College London. 

Thursday, 24 August 2023
11:30 - 13:00

Energy Transition (E)

Decarbonisation in Energy Regulators’ Decision Making

How can energy regulators make decisions that help accelerate the energy transition, and do they have the mandate to do it?