José Fernando Prada

José Fernando Prada

Executive Director of the Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission of Colombia (CREG)

Jose Fernando Prada is a senior energy specialist with broad experience in regulation, management and operation of energy markets and the electric power industry.

Before joining CREG he worked as a Senior Consultant and Researcher, advising private companies and public entities in different countries on topics related to energy markets regulation and activities, power systems planning and operation, finance and rate setting practices, and on management and performance of utility companies.  Previously, he was the regulation and markets division head of KEMA Consulting in Latin America, and served as principal advisor of CREG. 

He has a Ph.D. degree in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  Dr. Prada is electrical engineer from the National University of Colombia and financial specialist from EAFIT University.

He has been a university lecturer on electricity regulation and markets and has published several peer-reviewed technical papers.  Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and its Power and Energy Society (PES), and member of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE).

Wednesday, 23 August 2023
14:30 - 16:00

Competitiveness (C)

Developing the game rules for cross-border integration

Improving the level of interconnections between countries and enabling them to move towards greater integration is an important milestone for energy transition.